5 Common Garage Door Maintenance Mistakes

Your garage door may not be the most pressing matter on your mind, but it does require some routine maintenance. However, there are many mistakes you may be making when it comes to your garage door care, so check out these five common mistakes and how to avoid them so you prevent injury or expensive damages.

Mistake #1: Not Testing the Garage Door

Testing your garage door does not mean opening and closing it for regular use. A test requires you to actually pay attention to how the door moves and it is the best way to spot and stop minor problems before they become major. A test should be performed at least once a year. When testing, look at the door for any sagging, jerking or uneven movement, which could indicate some maintenance or repair is required. You should also listen to the door when it moves. Garage doors can be noisy, but if you hear unusual grinding, squeaking or scraping sounds, there may be something wrong with the gears or motor.

Mistake #2: Failing to Lubricate Moving Parts

It's too easy to ignore your garage door until something goes wrong, but you should be routinely lubricating the moving parts of your garage door. This keeps it running smoothly and prevents friction. If you hear squeaking or grinding, one of the first things you should check is if the parts need lubrication. When you do lubricate the parts, however, make sure you are using the correct type of lubricant. It's best to stick with white lithium grease and silicone-based lubricants. These lubricants stick and penetrate well instead of getting dirty like grease and oil.  

Mistake #3: Not Keeping the Tracks and Rollers Clean

You may not think about the tracks and rollers of your garage door often because they aren't as flashy and loud as the motor. However, the tracks and rollers are imperative for smooth opening and closing. Leaves and other debris can get stuck in the tracks, which may cause the door to move slowly or get stuck on one side, causing the door to become lopsided. If you notice this problem, clean the tracks and add some lubrication.

Mistake #4: Forgetting to Test the Sensors

Automatic garage doors have sensors that help prevent serious injury or damage if someone or something is under the door when it shuts. It's extremely important to regularly test these sensors because sensors that aren't sensitive enough can cause serious injury or damage. To test the sensors, but a piece of wood or similar item under the door. Adjust the sensors until the opens just before it hits the item. If the sensors are too sensitive, the door may open when there is nothing in the way or just some dirt on the lens, and if the sensors aren't sensitive enough, the door could hit someone.  

Mistake #5: Replacing Springs Yourself

The springs used to help your garage door open and close are not safe to remove yourself, especially extension springs. While these extension springs do have safety cables to prevent them from coming loose and causing injury, you have to remove the cables to remove the springs, which defeats the purpose of the safety cables. If you don't know what you're doing, the cables could become loose, and with enormous pressure, cause serious damage. If your springs have become loose or worn, contact a professional.

These five mistakes can lead to bigger, more expensive repairs or serious injury, so it's best to avoid them altogether. If you would like more information about garage door maintenance or you need a repair, contact a garage door technician such as Door Doctor Inc
